To set the starting pitch, click the pitch you want. A dot incicates the selected pitch. To set the starting note, click the note you want. A dot incicates the selected note. Tempo Bar Click to the left of the tempo box to slow down the tempo. Click to the right of the tempo box to speed up the tempo. Or change the tempo by dragging the tempo box. To specifiy the minor starting pitches, click the pitches you want. To remove these pitches, click the pitches you want to remove. An X means a pitch has been set. To specifiy the major keys, click the keys you want. To remove these keys, click the keys you want to remove. An X means a key has been set. To specifiy the minor starting pitches, click the pitches you want. To remove these pitches, click the pitches you want to remove. An X means a pitch has been set. To specifiy the major starting pitches, click the pitches you want. To remove these pitches, click the pitches you want to remove. An X means a pitch has been set. To select/deselect all of the minor keys, click this text. To select/deselect all of the major keys, click this text. To select/deselect all of the minor starting pitches, click this text. To select/deselect all of the major starting pitches, click this text. To select/deselect all of the clefs, click this text. To set the clef for this custom level, click the clef you want. A dot indicates the selected clef. To specifiy the clefs you want to randomly display, click the clefs you want. To remove these clefs, click the clefs you want to remove. An X means a clef has been set.